New production company - ELSAPHARM

New production company - ELSAPHARM The Bright Way Group will establish a new production company ELSAPHARM on the territory of advanced socio-economic development in the single-industry settlement, the working village of Vargashi.
ELSAPHARM production facilities will produce preparations for volume correction and revitalization based on hyaluronic acid that meet pharmaceutical quality standards.
Production space will be 3,500 square meters. The total cost of the project is 300 million rubles.

Velpharm LLC is on the first line in the rating of leading corporations in terms of growth in the retail commercial drug market

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Award "For contribution to the development of the pharmaceutical industry and merit in the implementation of measures to combat the spread of a new coronavirus infection"

Award "For contribution to the development of the pharmaceutical industry and merit in the implementation of measures to combat the spread of a new coronavirus infection"

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