Velpharm LLC is on the first line in the rating of leading corporations in terms of growth in the retail commercial drug market

At the end of 2020, Velpharm LLC is reached the first position in the ranking of the leading corporations in terms of growth in the retail commercial drug market in physical terms.
The growth in 2020/2019 is 370% (according to the AlphaRM analytical database).
 BRIGHT WAY GROUP invites you to visit our stand at the International Exhibition and Forum on Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology PhEB Russia, St. Petersburg

BRIGHT WAY GROUP invites you to visit our stand at the International Exhibition and Forum on Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology PhEB Russia, St. Petersburg

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 Velpharm received a loan from the FRP in the amount of 172 million rubles

Velpharm received a loan from the FRP in the amount of 172 million rubles

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