


Captopril Velpharm  

Captopril Velpharm



Active ingredient (INN)
Composition (active ingredients)
captopril (in terms of dry matter) - 25,0 mg, 50,0 mg
Фармакотерапевтическая группа
angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (ACE inhibitor)
Pharmacotherapeutic group
25 mg tablets №20, 30, 40, 50; 50 mg №20, 30, 40, 50
Сonditions of supply
on prescription


  • Arterial hypertension (including renovascular);
  • Chronic heart failure (as part of complex therapy);
  • Impaired left ventricular function after a myocardial infarction in a clinically stable condition;
  • Diabetic nephropathy in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (with albuminuria more than 30 mg/day).
Dosage regimen

Dosage regimen

Inside 1 hour before meals. The dosage regimen is set individually.

With arterial hypertension

treatment begins with the lowest effective dose of 12,5 mg 2 times a day. Attention should be paid to the tolerance of the first dose during the first hour. If arterial hypotension develops in this case, the patient should be moved to the supine position with raised legs (such a reaction to the first dose should not be an obstacle to further therapy). If necessary, the dose is gradually (with an interval of 2-4 weeks) increased until the optimal effect is achieved. With mild to moderate degrees of arterial hypertension, the usual maintenance dose is 25 mg (1/2 tablet of 50 mg) 2 times a day; the maximum dose is 50 mg 2 times a day. In severe arterial hypertension, the maximum daily dose of Captopril Velpharm is 150 mg (50 mg 3 times a day)

In chronic heart failure

prescribed with diuretics and/or in combination with cardiac glycosides (in order to avoid an initial excessive decrease in blood pressure, diuretic is canceled or the dose is reduced before the drug is prescribed). The initial daily dose is 6,25 mg (for this dosing regimen, it is necessary to use captopril in tablets of 12,5 mg with risk or in tablets of 25 mg with cruciform risk of other manufacturers) 3 times a day, in the future, if necessary, increase the dose gradually (at intervals of at least 2 weeks). The average maintenance dose is 25 mg (1/2 tablet of 50 mg) 2-3 times a day, and the maximum dose is 150 mg per day. In case of symptomatic arterial hypotension in case of heart failure, the doses of diuretics and/or other simultaneously prescribed vasodilators can be reduced to achieve a stable effect of Captopril Velpharm

With violations of the function of the left ventricle after myocardial infarction

in patients in a clinically stable state, the use of Captopril Velpharm can be started 3 days after myocardial infarction. The initial dose is 6,25 mg per day (for this dosing regimen, it is necessary to use captopril in tablets of 12,5 mg with risk or in tablets of 25 mg with cruciform risk of other manufacturers). If necessary, the dose is gradually, over several weeks, increased to 75 mg per day in 2-3 doses (depending on the tolerance of the drug) up to the maximum daily dose of 150 mg (50 mg 3 times a day). With the development of arterial hypotension, a dose reduction may be required. Subsequent attempts to use a maximum daily dose of 150 mg should be based on patient tolerance to the drug

In elderly patients

the initial dose is 6,25 mg 2 times a day (for this dosage regimen, captopril should be used in tablets of 12,5 mg with risk or in tablets of 25 mg with cruciform risk of other manufacturers) and, if possible, maintained at this level to prevent impaired renal function. It is recommended to adjust the dose of the drug constantly depending on the patient's therapeutic response and keep it as low as possible.

With diabetic nephropathy

prescribed in a dose of 75-100 mg per day in 2-3 doses. In case of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type 1) with microalbuminuria (release of albumin 30-300 mg per day), the dose is 50 mg 2 times a day. With a total protein clearance of more than 500 mg per day, the drug is effective at a dose of 25 mg (1/2 tablet of 50 mg) 3 times a day. With a moderate degree of impaired renal function (GFR - at least 30 ml/min/1,73 sq.m) can be prescribed in a dose of 75-100 mg per day. With a more pronounced degree of impaired renal function (GFR - less than 30 ml/min/1,73 sq.m), the initial dose should be no more than 12,5 mg per day (for this dosage regimen, captopril should be used in 25 mg tablets with the risk of others manufacturers); in the future, if necessary, the dose is gradually increased at sufficiently long intervals, but a smaller daily dose of the drug is used than in the case of treatment of arterial hypertension. If necessary, “loop” diuretics are additionally prescribed, and not thiazide diuretics.

The recommended dosage adjustment scheme for patients with impaired renal function - see the full instructions for the drug.


There are contraindications, consult with a specialist before use

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