
Velpharm is responsible for the quality and safety of its medicines, taking care of the health of consumers. Pharmacovigilance System of Velpharm LLC is aimed at the timely actions and the prevention of adverse reactions and/or any other possible problems associated with the safety and efficacy of drugs.

If you become aware of an adverse effect that occurred during the use of a drug manufactured by Velpharm LLC, please inform us in any convenient way:
  1. Fill out the attached adverse reaction form

  2. Download form, fill it out and send us by email to address

  3. Call the pharmacovigilance service of Velpharm LLC by phone +7 (3522) 55‑51‑80

The collection of information gives the company the opportunity to provide consumers and specialists the most complete and reliable information about the safety profile of the drug, identify adverse effect and phenomena, which in turn determines the correct assessment and control of the treatment of diseases.

The personal data transmitted by you will be stored in the databases of Velpharm LLC and will not be subject to disclosure for third parties, including health authorities.

The information that you have provided is collected in the interests of patient safety and in accordance with the health authorities' requirements.

Processing of Personal Data Policy pdf, 916 Кб